
Join us for a series of insightful events, leading up to #HACA2024 Conference, covering professional registration, decision-making in healthcare, and understanding waiting lists.

Voices from the Framework Frontline.

Mon, 8th July : 10:30-11:30am

Recording Available Here!


Sarah Blundell, Lead for Analytical Development from NHS England
Andrew Lavelle, Senior Manager Analytical Professionalisation NHS England

Welcome to this HACA 2024 E-Lab! Hear from people who have adopted the National Competency Framework for Data Professionals and the impact that it is having on how they develop their skills and careers.

This is not the shiny car sales brochure, but the voices from the frontline who are using the Framework to drive change.

Who is it for? This e-lab session is for anyone at any level, who works in data and analytics in a health or care setting.

What will you learn? After this session you will get an insight into the variety of ways people are using the Framework, the successes and challenges they are having, to inspire you to make a pledge and adopt the National Competency Framework for Data Professionals.

Professional Registration for Data & Analytics Professionals.

Mon, 8th July : 1-2pm

Recording Available Here!

Emma Wright, Director of Professional Development, Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts (AphA)
Jane Johnston, Director of Member Services, Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts (AphA)

Welcome to this HACA 2024 E-Lab event! With the growing focus on data, AI and analytics across health and care, the importance of professional registration for those working in these areas is ever present. Join this session to gain an understanding of the process for professional registration.

Guiding Leaders to Better Quality Decisions : The Pivotal Role of Analysts.

Tues, 9th July: 2-3pm

Recording Available Here!

Samantha Riley, Director of Making Data Count, NHS England
Andrew Browne, Business Intelligence and Data Science Manager, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

Welcome to this HACA 2024 E-Lab! Guiding leaders to better quality decisions: the pivotal role of analysts! In this online event, we explore the crucial role analysts play in helping leaders make informed decisions.

Anatomy of a Waiting List – How Well do We Understand Our Waiting Lists?

Wed, 10th July: 10-11am

Recording Available Here!

Neil Walton, Professor in Operations Management, Durham University Business School
Tom Smith, Insight Manager, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Welcome to this HACA 2024 E-Lab! This online event is intended for anyone who works with waiting lists but will be of interest to many more.

Neil Walton (Professor in Operations Research) will take us through the anatomy of a waiting list, how it can be measured, how it can be managed, and some method for managing pressures across multiple waiting lists. Tom Smith will give an overview of development work on the NHS-R Community’s {NHSRwaitinglist} R package, which is being built to help analysts apply Neil’s methods at scale on real hospital data. Both the theory, and the practical package use will be helpful for anyone who finds themselves working with, and prioritising waiting lists.

Using Systems Dynamics in Local Authority Public Health Practice.

Wed, 10th July: 1-2pm

Recording Available Here!

Abrahm P George, Consultant in Public Health
Peter Lacey, funding partner at the Whole Systems Partnerships

Welcome to the final HACA 2024 E-Lab! Kent County Council Public Health have been actively using systems dynamic modelling (SDM) over a number of years for demonstrating the impact of prevention interventions in JSNA related reports.

This year it is being actively used for scenario test the impact of commissioned health improvement services, part of an ongoing service review to improve effectiveness and reduce health inequalities. We present some ongoing SDM examples, particularly going into the model development design and testing, how stakeholders were engaged, how they influenced senior leadership decision making, team reflections around their experiences in SDM training and emphasising the importance of key enablers such as data linkage and other analytical expertise such as evaluation methods for robust assumptions generation for SDM.